A Pleasant Façade [Sept 2024] get a link to this artwork

wood, acrylic sheets, mirrors, steel, copper
[14½" H x 10" D x 12" H]



Deep troubles are often hidden. So many people don't have anyone with whom they can talk about the issues that really matter.

This is the second in a series of sculptures that began with Building a Home. This series is still very much evolving. In the pieces so far, the homes themselves take on features of and represent the people living in those spaces. In some places, you can see exposed the framing of the walls, the electrical conduit, the water pipes; the inner structure of the home is laid bare.

In A Pleasant Façade the outside of the home is nice, but it's perched precariously over collapsing ground. The inside is not as nice. It's gloomy and drab and not well maintained. Shadows of the person living there are burned into the walls. Some light filters through the clouds, but the sky is otherwise gray and featureless.